​The North East Inclusive Dance Network (NEIDN) is an initiative bringing together like-minded artists, practitioners and organisations who are interested in supporting and developing dance for and with people with a disability and in recent years with a particular focus on those with a learning disability.
Initially formed in 2013, the network explores how as a community we can connect together to share practice and opportunities as well as share potential strands of activity to raise the networks profile and address its core aims.
The vision of the North East Inclusive Dance Network is to signpost/enable opportunities for all individuals with a disability to engage with, experience and develop skills through dance activities across the North East. The network also aims to champion quality inclusive dance practice and to improve the accessibility of resources to all organisations.
The North East Inclusive Dance Network is made up of a group of artists and organisations committed to the development of inclusive dance practice. The network is an open forum allowing any individual or organisation to join and contribute to the aims of the network.
Who we are...